Full Legal Entity Name* Business address* Street Address Contact address (if different from above) Street Address Email* Mobile Number* Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Estimated Number of Employees*Estimated Turnover*Business Duration Specific business activity* Aged and/or Disability Care Worker Support Co-Ordinator for Disability and Aged Care Services Other Please specify* If more than 1 activity, please specify the percentage split Limit RequiredProfessional Indemnity* $1M $2M $5M $10M Public Liability* $10M $20M Business ActivityThe provision of disabled or aged care services* Yes No As at today's date does the insured have Professional Indemnity Insurance currently in force that has been paid for?* Yes No Do you perform any medical treatments or procedures that are required to be undertaken by a qualified medical practitioner?* Yes No Are you appropriately qualified and/or have you completed the appropriate training to perform this activity?* Yes No In the last 10 years, have any claims for a breach of professional duty been made against the Business, it's predecessors in business or it's current or former partners/principals/directors or employees?* Yes No After enquiry, are you aware of any circumstances which may result in a claim against the business or any of its Partners, Principals, Directors or employees?* Yes No In the last 10 years, has your business or you or any partner or director:* Had any business insurance/liability claims? Had any insurance declined or cancelled? Suffered any loss or damage which would have been covered by the proposed insurance policy? Been convicted of any criminal offence? Been liable for any civil offence or pecuniary penalties? Been declared bankrupt or involved in a business which became insolvent? Yes No Who are your NDIS Provider Registration Consultants?*Select one...Health Care Providers Association (HCPA)AvaanaOthersPlease list* Director’s Name* Signature*Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY CAPTCHA